Unstructured Data Access in the Aviation Industry
September 1, 2017
The aviation industry faces daily challenges in the management of massive data. Faced with a burgeoning growth of aviation stress and structural data, it is becoming increasingly difficult for engineers to find and quickly analyze mission-critical data. The problems are typically related to unstructured data access, find functions or “federated search” and data management.
For example, mission-critical systems require access to tens-to-hundreds of thousands of pages of maintenance manuals, technical notes and CADs. Older equipment might even have images of technical drawings, tables and pictures. These tend to be kept in large, unstructured data sets that may go dark over time as employees leave and tribal knowledge is lost.
Overheard in the engineers’ cubes:
1. “Wait a minute… you’re saying that databook from 1985 is scanned? Where is it?”
2. “Oh yeah, only Jim knew where that data was kept. Too bad he works for Microsoft now. ”
3. “That link you sent me is broken. Do you have the new folder name?”
4. “These simulations all have randomized filenames, how do we find the right ones?”
A data access system like Peaxy Aureum that indexes unstructured data as it’s ingested can save an incredible amount of time when an engineer needs to find something. When Aureum tags selected metadata or creates a “digital thread” linking relevant data together, the Peaxy Find tool makes access to information with a single query (for example, a serial number) really easy. An hour or more of an engineer’s time, multiplied by thousands of engineers across disparate locations, equates to a huge increase in productivity and money saved.
Take Away:
The aviation industry is experiencing hyper-growth in unstructured data. Today’s companies are considering deployment of data access solutions that ingest, aggregate, find, preserve and protect unstructured data assets.