A lot of people ask us about the name origin of our flagship product, Peaxy Aureum (pronounced AW-ree-uhm).
Well, you might be interested to know that this very forward-looking data access platform takes its name from ancient Rome at the peak of its reign as a global center of power.
When the Roman empire — let’s call it an enterprise — dominated nearly all of the European continent and beyond, it was widely understood that the enterprise would fail without a network of communication that connected far-flung, disparate territories. These territories would have remained unknown and ungovernable without a reliable road system. The Milliarium Aureum, or Golden Milestone, was the sacred place where all Roman roads began their journeys. It was said to be a column of gilded bronze (or marble clad in gilt bronze), and it stood in the Forum, probably between the Rostra and the Temple of Saturn. It’s interesting to note, though, that its foundation has never been found and scholars disagree about exactly where it was located in Rome.
Peaxy Aureum is the central platform where data sets that are now distant and dark can be brought to the light and used to help the enterprise thrive. Like the original Roman milestone, Aureum stands as the connecting piece to an unstructured data world, the crucial pillar of infrastructure that supports the enterprise and keeps it competitive.